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how to make a dairy with notepad

 notepad tricks1
 hey there every one. today am going to teach y'all a simple trick to make a dairy on your own p.c/laptop using notepad which will display exact time and date every time you open it.most people know notepad but only as a text editor without knowing what you can create using simple notepad by writing simple codes now a dairy is a very secrete book which the owner uses to write his/ her personal information but this" book" if not carefully placed can be read by almost everyone and ,... what if you write how much you don't love your girl friend in your dairy and she finds it?? what if she cared so much about you and even provided 4 you? u are toasted.. using this method ,you can easily create your own dairy without needing to write time whenever you gat to write something and this file can easily be encrypted and made more secrete using winrar ,windows protect e.t.c. 1.open notepad 2. type ".LOG "in capital letters 3.select file 4.go to save as google.com 5.input any thing e.g" dairy" and save as text document DAIRY.TXT
open and enjoy electronic dairy

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